Size: medium/small. One handle wrapped in navy blue grosgrain and the other in white grosgrain. A navy blue tulle scarf wraps the bag and is tied with a big bow and a white rectangular buckle with crystal-like white beads. Internal trim in a white cotton cord. One piece only
Maria Rosa
Size: small. Profile and handles wrapped in navy blue grosgrain, ornamental pin with colored rhinestones, internal catch-all pocket in blue hand-sewn tulle. One piece only
Marianna : dimensione medio/grande, rivestita sia esternamente che in parte anche internamente di morbida lana tipo Chanel dai caldi colori autunnali che vanno dal verde bosco al marrone castagna. Internamente parzialmente rivestita da velluto marrone. Completano la borsa manici a tracolla in catena dorata. Pezzo unico
Size: medium. One handle wrapped in cream grosgrain and the other handle in blue grosgrain, external border in a blue and cream fringed trimming and blue stones. Internal fringed trimming below the zipper accompanied by a cream and blue cotton cord. One piece only
Size: medium/large. Handles wrapped in bright green grosgrain and cotton cord with tassels, internal finish in a cream colored cotton cord, external border rim in bright green grosgrain and cord with tassels, small stones and glass balls with colored rhinestones. One piece only
Size: medium/large. Bamboo handles, external border with flowers applied on orange tulle, small teardrops of white mother of pearl stones. Internal cream colored satin bows, small teardrops of white mother of pearl stones, internal catch-all pocket in cream hand-sewn tulle. One piece only
Size: medium/large. One handle is wrapped in cream colored grosgrain and the other in wisteria colored grosgrain. A silky scarf with a shot effect wraps the bag and is tied on both sides by a trimming with colors ranging from purple to sage green to champagne; the same trimming is used for the top and…
Serena: dimensione medio/piccola , bordature con passamanerie floreali sfumate in giallo e cordoncino di cotone a rifinitura del bordo interno. Manici a tracolla creati con nastro di colore giallo/arancio montati su occhielli dorati . Pezzo unico
Size: medium/large. Bamboo handles in bamboo fitted on the bag with gold colored chrome rings, exterior covered in antique roes silk brocade. The same brocade is used for a crown-shaped appliqué on one side and a knot on the other side. Internal catch-all pocket in a cream colored hand-sewn tulle. One piece only
Simona: dimensione medio/piccola, rivestita esternamente in morbida lana principe di Galles blu su fondo panna, ed internamente in vellutino a coste piccole di colore blu scuro. Manici a tracolla con catena cromata colore argento e chiusura centrale con catenella e moschettone , entrambi cromati colore argento. Rifiniscono esternamente la borsa piccoli fiorellini di colore blu ed internamente piccoli fiorellini…
Size: medium/small. Handles in a white and cream shiny/matte cord fitted on silver colored chrome rings. The bag is completely covered with a white/cream fringed trimming, edges in pink grosgrain finished with a white trim. Hand-made bows in pink grosgrain. Internal catch-all pocket in a pink hand-sewn tulle. One piece only
Soraya: dimensione medio/grande. Completamente avvolta da un manto di morbidissima pelliccia leopardata , rigorosamente ecologica, ed internamente rivestita anche da morbido velluto marrone e rifinita da una fine passamaneria dorata. Manici a tracolla in catena dorata. Pezzo unico