
Size: medium/small. Bamboo handles fitted on the bag with on gold colored chrome rings. A dark green silkĀ  velvet stole softly wraps the bag and then forms a bow on each side. One bow is bordered with a trimming in colors ranging from pink to green to champagne. The same trimming decorates the bottom edges of the bag. A cream colored tulle lines the interior of the bag. One piece only

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Product Description

Size: medium/small. Bamboo handles fitted on the bag with on gold colored chrome rings. A dark green silkĀ  velvet stole softly wraps the bag and then forms a bow on each side. One bow is bordered with a trimming in colors ranging from pink to green to champagne. The same trimming decorates the bottom edges of the bag. A cream colored tulle lines the interior of the bag. One piece only


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